Information for companies

The resources provided below will be useful to you to comply with the provisions of the Code of Professional Ethics, as well as to distribute and inform distributors, consumers and other persons about the Code.

Important information

The information in this brochure demonstrates what consumers can expect when buying products from direct sales companies.

An independent entrepreneur — a distributor of products should be aware of their rights. The relationship between the company and the distributor is based on the principles set out in the Code of Professional Ethics. What should distributors expect from a company with which they cooperate?

This pocket-sized brochure will remind distributors of their obligations to their customers. Customer satisfaction is the key to distributor business success.

These materials are compiled in accordance with the provisions of the UDSA Code of Professional Ethics. It describes the situations that are possible when doing business in the field of direct sales.

Украинская ассоциация прямых продаж - негосударственное, добровольное, некоммерческое объединение ведущих компаний, осуществляющих деятельность в области прямых продаж товаров и услуг в Украине с целью защиты их интересов, развития индустрии и формирования позитивного общественного мнения.